New Catholic Mass Parts

The Catholic Mass will undergo a major change, with a new translation being introduced at the start of Advent in many parishes.  Below are mass parts for my St. Gerard Mass, based on the new translation of the Roman Missal.  Any church choir directors looking for new mass settings, please feel free to contact me for sheet music if you would like to utilize any of these mass parts at your parish!


Lord Have Mercy (Kyrie Eleison)

This simple setting allows the congregation to repeat or “echo” the text after the cantor.  It is in English but incorporates the Greek text into the Coda section.

Gloria (Glory To God)

The text of the Gloria has undergone some significant changes, especially in the line which is normally used as a musical refrain in many versions.  It now reads “Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace to people of goodwill”.  I tried to capture the grandeur of God and his angels in this setting, which goes through several key changes, from B minor into B major and A major and D major in places.  I wanted the key to be constantly fluctuating and unknowable,  in the same way that God is a mystery to the human mind. The recording here presents it in an orchestral version including trumpets,timpani, and chimes to simulate the bells of heaven, but it can be played simply using only guitar and piano.  Piano/Guitar/Vocal Sheet music is available!

Holy Holy (Sanctus)

This upbeat Holy Holy has 3 vocal lines but is more complicated than it sounds, as the lines are essentially a “round” in which previous parts are layered underneath new ones.  Again, the Holy Holy has had some changes to the text, notably “Holy Holy, Lord God of Hosts”.

Lamb of God

The Lamb Of God text has not changed, but many current Agnus Dei versions incorporate text that is not strictly a part of the mass.  This setting keeps it simple and has a pleasant lyrical melody that segues well from the sharing of the sign of peace.